Industries Coverall

We are the leading manufacturer of Protective coveralls & protective wears , We manufacture coveralls in different weaves like twill, drill, gabardine, ripstop, canvas, oxford, matty, trovine, tusser, TSM, etc; in 100% polyester with various finishes like oil repellent, water repellent, chemical resistant, chemical repellent, stain resistant, fire retardant, hydrophilic, hydrophobic, etc; We also make Nomex inherent fire retardant coveralls in different
GSM, weaves and colours.
Protective Coveralls meets all the latest safety standards across the globe.
Our coveralls & protective wears have distinctive features of high durability, high tensile strength, good tear strength, colour fastness, pilling resistant, skin friendly, shrinkage control, soft feel, comfort wear and perfect fit.
We also make coveralls & protective wears with reflective tapes & logo embroidered or printed as per buyer requirement.

Category: Product ID: 1022


We are the leading manufacturer of Protective coveralls & protective wears , We manufacture coveralls in different weaves like twill, drill, gabardine, ripstop, canvas, oxford, matty, trovine, tusser, TSM, etc; in 100% polyester with various finishes like oil repellent, water repellent, chemical resistant, chemical repellent, stain resistant, fire retardant, hydrophilic, hydrophobic, etc; We also make Nomex inherent fire retardant coveralls in different

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